The Good Steward — Slavery is not a thing of the past

Daniel Conway

The commitment to end slavery in all its forms was reaffirmed during the Second Vatican Council, which argued that “slavery, prostitution, the selling of women and children, (and) disgraceful working conditions where (people) are treated as mere tools for profit” are “infamies” and a “supreme dishonor to the Creator.” And yet, far too many of our sisters and brothers throughout the world do not know what it means to live free.

An estimated 12.3 million people are victims of forced labor, bonded labor and sexual exploitation each year. Nearly 20,000 enslaved people (mainly women and children) are “trafficked” into the United States each year. And more than 100,000 American children are the victims of commercial sexual exploitation each year.

Traffickers lure vulnerable men, women and children with false promises of good jobs, an education, economic security and even love. Once lured, the traffickers are able to keep their victims from seeking help by confiscating identification documents, using threats of violence against the victim or their family, as well as subjecting the victim to physical, psychological and/or sexual abuse. No sector or industry is immune from human trafficking. Victims have been identified in factories, restaurants, construction sites, agricultural fields, hotels, spas, nail salons, and even private residences.

Human trafficking exists because of the lack of laws against it, the lack of enforcement of such laws where they do exist, and the ease and ability to re-exploit individuals. Human trafficking has become the fastest-growing source of profits for criminal enterprises worldwide. The Catholic Church has repeatedly condemned human trafficking, stating that human trafficking “constitutes a shocking offense against human dignity and a grave violation of fundamental human rights.”

For over a decade, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has been a leader in the U.S. and global response to human trafficking. The Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking consists of national and international Catholic agencies working to eliminate the scourge of human trafficking by:

  • Formulating plans for combating trafficking and serving its victims
  • Promoting development of services for trafficking victims and approaches to empowerment of trafficking victims
  • Dialoging with government officials and others engaged in public policies affecting this issue
  • Devising strategies for public education, awareness-raising and grassroots action.

For more information, see the Vatican’s website ( or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website (

The freedom won for us by our Lord’s passion, death and resurrection cries out to heaven for liberty and justice for all regardless of their nationality, religious background, social or economic condition. All human beings were set free by the cross of Christ. All are equal in the sight of God.

Let’s dedicate ourselves to proclaiming liberty for all who are enslaved — whether by means of human trafficking or by more subtle forms of slavery caused by domestic violence, or addiction to alcohol, drugs or pornography. Let’s put an end to the evils of human trafficking and sexual exploitation once and for all! And let’s work to overcome the habits of self-indulgence and abusive behavior toward others that are so prevalent in our global culture.

Dan Conway is a member of Holy Trinity Church, serves as a member of The Record’s editorial board and is a writer, consultant and stewardship educator.

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One reply on “The Good Steward — Slavery is not a thing of the past”
  1. says: Dr.Cajetan Coelho

    Human beings are made in the image and likeness of the divine – declare Scriptures. Slavery needs to be wiped out from the face of Planet Earth, our Common Home. Slave owners need to be evangelized.

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