Youth, Youth FocusSeptember 30, 2022<September 30, 2022 Presentation Academy students celebrate International Day of Peace by The Record Students at Presentation Academy celebrated International Day of Peace, observed Sept. 21, with a week of activities. The students held a prayer service for…
EditorialsSeptember 25, 2012<September 25, 2012 Editorial — Give peace a chance by The Record It’s that time of the year when news rushes at us like a change in the weather. It comes from every direction. There is…
Archdiocesan NewsSeptember 21, 2012<September 21, 2012 Holy Family students create ‘Pinwheels for Peace’ by The Record On Friday Sept. 21 — the International Day of Peace — students at Holy Family School participated in the ‘Pinwheels for Peace’ project by…