Archdiocesan NewsMay 10, 2023<May 10, 2023 Laudato Si´conference to be held virtually this summer by The Record The biennial “Laudato Si´and the U.S. Catholic Church” conference will be held virtually via the Zoom platform June 14 to July 25. Each session…
Archdiocesan NewsFebruary 10, 2022<February 10, 2022 Catholic groups win grant to further care for creation by Ruby Thomas Three Catholic groups in the Archdiocese of Louisville have been named Victory Noll Sisters small-grant winners by Catholic Climate Covenant, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit…
National/World NewsFebruary 21, 2020<February 21, 2020 ‘Laudato Si’ ‘ at five: Project seeks to foster prayerful climate action by Catholic News Service By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment set the path five years ago and now a new…