St. Xavier Graduation Essays 2023

Student leaves St. Xavier with ‘hope and determination for a better world’

Ben Breunig

My journey at Saint Xavier has been nothing short of spectacular. As a legacy, following in the footsteps of my grandpa and three uncles who are proud alumni of St. X, I felt a deep connection to the school even before I set foot on campus. Little did I know that my experience at St. X would shape my character, values, and perspective on life in profound ways.

At St. X, the importance of Catholic values is clear in every aspect of school life. From morning prayer and religious courses to service projects and retreats, the school instills in students a sense of compassion, empathy and responsibility towards others. The emphasis on Catholic teachings and values has helped me develop a strong moral compass and a genuine concern for those in need as well as hope and determination for a better world.

One of the most impactful experiences during my time at St. X was the Christian Awakening Retreat. This four-day retreat provided a reflective journey that allowed me to deepen my relationship with God, discover purpose, and gain a better perspective on life. Through powerful conversations in small groups, heartfelt discussions, and self-discovery, I was able to connect with my inner self and truly understand the importance of faith, family, and community in my life. In fact, I thought it was such an integral experience of the Saint Xavier experience that I decided to lead it the year after.

Another cherished aspect of my time at St. X has been the friendships that I have formed. The sense of brotherhood among the students is palpable, and I have made lifelong friends through our green and gold. Together, friends have supported each other through thick and thin, celebrated our successes, and leaned on each other during challenging times. These friendships have been a source of strength, joy, and inspiration, and provide us with invaluable experience in countless ways.

The work ethic and determination that Saint Xavier instills in its students have also been invaluable. The rigorous academic curriculum, the challenging sports programs, and the emphasis on leadership and service have pushed each and every student to strive for excellence. The discipline and perseverance that the school instills in its students are essential for personal growth and success. The dedication and commitment of the faculty and staff at St. Xavier have also served as a guiding light, and I feel confident that all teachers want the best for all students.

Lastly, my involvement in the baseball team at Saint Xavier has been a highlight of my high school years. I am proud to have been a part of the team that brought home a state championship. The support and camaraderie among my teammates and coaches have been incredible. From the profound book studies on Saturday mornings to the memories and lessons on the baseball field, my St. X sporting experience will leave a lasting effect on me.

Now that I am ready to move on, I know that I’ll take with me the compassion, empathy, and determination to make a positive impact on my community. and I’ll always have something to come back to. I will always treasure my time at Saint Xavier and the memories that I made there.

St. X creates a ‘rich lineage of men for others’

Stephen Harris

As intimidated freshmen struggling to navigate through the labyrinth of St. X, my classmates and I were generally very shocked at the transition from grade school to high school. For many of us, this transition marked the beginning of daily homework and practices; some of us had to actually study for tests and quizzes for the first time; we encountered newfound adversity in clubs and sports as we faced much stiffer competition than ever before.

This complete culture shock, I believe, was necessary for us impressionable 14 and 15-year-old boys. It put us in an uncomfortable environment where each student seemed to subconsciously decide to rely on each other instead of fending for themselves. In the light of future struggles, the brotherhood was only fortified. We collectively lived out the Tiger mission statement of being “many brothers, one brotherhood.”

When we were freshmen, the upperclassmen were incredibly helpful and caring for us and treated us as brothers, albeit sometimes little ones. Likewise, the Class of 2023 has assumed this responsibility and now leads the school. We continue the well-established tradition of excellence at St. X through leadership in clubs, sports, and academic achievement. These four meager years have completely transformed the leadership and character of the class from a young, immature group of boys into a mature, strong class of men, soon to be sent out in the world to improve their respective communities.

While Saint Xavier certainly has no shortage of National Merit Scholars, Governor’s School appointees, and state championships, the distinguishing benefit of a St. X education is the character development that occurs. This great institution has created a rich lineage of men for others; a lineage of men filled with compassion, humility, simplicity, trust, and zeal; a lineage of men who excel in their chosen fields.

Even the youngest Tiger is related to this elite group of men through the brotherhood that is formed upon stepping on campus and is strengthened throughout the course of one’s St. X career. This unique relationship allows us to celebrate each other’s victories and mourn each other’s losses. It is an unceasing bond that encourages us to get better day by day and is a constant support network that never falters. The Class of 2023 will undoubtedly leave behind a great legacy as it prepares to enter this vast heritage of Tigers.

The impacts of St. X alumni are immeasurable; from leading large corporations to playing professional sports and inspiring others to providing for the families they have built to returning to campus as teachers and coaches. St. X breeds moral leaders first and foremost. Teachers emphasize the infusion of social and religious contexts in their respective subjects. They prioritize critical thinking and communication. They foster an atmosphere of exploration and problem-solving.

Altogether, Saint Xavier is a hotbed of character development that specializes in molding strong, altruistic leaders, while simultaneously providing first-rate education and athletic opportunities.

There is no better place to spend your formative years and I am blessed to have received this amazing gift of a high school experience.

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