Queen’s Daughters to host annual fashion show

The Queen’s Daughters will host its annual fashion show and luncheon “La Vie en Rose,” presented by Dillard’s, on April 19 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 830 Phillips Lane. Doors open at 11 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon.

The fashion show is the Queen’s Daughters primary fundraising event and benefits a variety of organizations in the Louisville community. The Queen’s Daughters help support the Mother-Infant Care Program of Catholic Charities, Catholic high school scholarships, the Catholic Women’s Conference, St. Bernadette Diaper Bank, Nativity Academy and the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Fashion show tickets are $50 per person. All checks and reservations must be mailed by April 7 to Margaret Reinhart, 8211 Camberley Drive, Louisville, Ky., 40222. To make a reservation or donation online, visit queensdaughtersinc.com.

The following levels of giving are also offered: $75 for one reservation, $150 for two reservations, $300 for five reservations and $600 for 10 reservations.

The Record
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