Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
May God bless you during this holy season of Lent! At the Good Friday liturgies on April 2, parishes will conduct the annual Pontifical Good Friday Collection. This collection supports the work of the Church in the Holy Land.
Supporting the Church in the Holy Land is an historic mission. Since the time of Saint Paul, Christians throughout the world have understood the responsibility to support the land where Jesus walked.
Christians in the Holy Land face special challenges — many of which we hear about in the daily news. The political, religious and military challenges in the Holy Land are more complex than ever and supporting this collection offers hope to Holy Land Christians.
This collection supports 23 parishes, three academic institutions, 400 scholarships for high school and university education, 10,000 pre-K to grade 12 students, 120 men preparing to be priests or brothers, and 65 shrines connected with the life of Jesus. The collection helped to restore and maintain 1,000+ houses or apartments for Christian families, assist those at senior care facilities in Bethlehem and Nazareth, and create 1,200 jobs for Christians in the Holy Land.
Through the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you join with Christians around the world to stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Thank you for your generosity!
Sincerely yours in our Lord,
Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D.
Archbishop of Louisville