Promote vocations by following Christ, says archbishop

Archbishop Kurtz blessed a newly installed statue of St. Clare of Assisi at St. Francis of Assisi Church April 25, Good Shepherd Sunday. He devoted part of his homily during Mass to the subject of vocations in observance of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. (Photo Special to The Record)

All Catholics are called to promote vocations by following Jesus Christ, said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz.

Speaking at St. Francis of Assisi Church on Good Shepherd Sunday, April 25, the archbishop said, “We can’t promote vocations unless we follow Jesus. Our work would be insincere.”

He devoted part of his homily during Mass to the subject of vocations in observance of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. He acknowledged that the congregation may frequently hear about vocations since their pastor, Father Anthony Chandler, is director of the Archdiocese of Louisville’s Vocation Office.

Archbishop Kurtz called on his listeners — which included parishioners watching the parish’s live stream because of the pandemic — to keep Christ as their cornerstone when promoting vocations.

“I’m going to promote letting Christ be my cornerstone,” he said. “I’m going to promote the fact that Jesus, the one who gave his life for our salvation, is the one in my life I choose to follow.

“And then when I see someone who is discerning the possibility of a vocation to be a priest — even if it’s a parent, and it’s your child — then you’re going to have a very different attitude. You’re going to say, ‘Jesus gave me so much, of course I’ll give back.’

“We all have a role in promoting vocations — vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life,” he said. “But you and I both know one of the vocations sorely lacking today is the vocation to marriage.

“There is no lack of ability for us to promote the vocation of every baptized person because each of us hears the voice of Jesus. He is the Good Shepherd; he is the cornerstone. And today we say, ‘I will follow him.’ ”

After the homily, Archbishop Kurtz blessed a newly installed statue of St. Clare of Assisi in a niche that formerly held the tabernacle. The tabernacle has been moved to a central position in the sanctuary, said Father Chandler, noting the parish is in the midst of a major renovation project.

The statue was donated by the son of longtime members of the parish in their honor.

Marnie McAllister
Written By
Marnie McAllister
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One reply on “Promote vocations by following Christ, says archbishop”
  1. says: Dr.Cajetan Coelho

    It takes courage to answer a call. May the Lord of the harvest inspire zealous laborers to toil in his vineyard.

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