I believe that when asked to think of individuals who have given their lives to service, saints would be at the top of many of our lists. St. Teresa of Calcutta is the ultimate example of a person who devoted her life to others; a holy woman who gave her time here on Earth to serving the poorest of the poor.
What we, the “average” people, do not often consider is that we too are placed here in this world to be holy, to serve others and to ultimately become saints ourselves.
As we journey through this Lenten season headed toward the celebration of Easter, it is a good time to reflect on how we are giving ourselves in service to others, and ultimately in service to God.
We all know that our world is filled with those in need, and we want to be of help, but often times something is holding us back from taking that first step outside our comfort zone. Maybe you think you do not have time to serve. Service does not have to be every week or even every month.
Give when you can! Look for opportunities that fit your schedule, maybe on a Saturday morning, a day off from work or over the summer when you are home with your kids. Life is so very busy for us all, but there is likely a day here or there when you can give a few hours of your time.
“We all know that our world is filled with those in need, and we want to be of help, but often times there is something holding us back from taking that first step outside our comfort zone.”
Karen Pate
Chances are you will receive so much more than you give you will be wanting to serve again!
Maybe you are afraid of the unknown or doubt your abilities to be of use. Let me tell you, there is always something you can do!
If you love to work outdoors, maybe look to Common Earth Gardens to help clean up the fields the farmers are using. If your passion is to fight against human trafficking, look at the Bakhita Empowerment Initiative. They need volunteers to help at events educating people about the great work they do for their clients. Maybe your skill set is placing phone calls, emailing and doing office work; all of our programs would benefit from your administrative help.
These are just a few examples of ways to get involved, but there are so many more countless ways to give of your talents. Take time to explore the opportunities listed at Catholic Charities and other wonderful organizations around Louisville.
One last piece of advice I give volunteers when I speak with them is this: If you try out an opportunity and it does not seem like the right fit, do not give up! Talk with the organization and try something else. Eventually, you will find what you are called to do in service to others!
God reminds us time and again that whatever we do for the least of his people we are doing for him. Do not be afraid to take the first step. Do not be afraid to move outside of your comfort zone. Open your heart to others and spread your love to them.
The reward for giving of yourself to help empower others will be great, not only here on Earth, but as in Heaven as well.
Karen Pate is the volunteer coordinator for Catholic Charities of Louisville.