Father Roehrig to lead Society of Saint Paul

Father Matthew (Richard) Roehrig, a graduate of Trinity High School, was recently appointed the U.S. Provincial Superior for the Society of St. Paul. His term will be for 2012 to 2016.

Father Roehrig, a native of Louisville, attended Holy Trinity Church and holds a bachelors degree in communications from Morehead State University.

He received his master’s of divinity degree from Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, N.Y., and was ordained in 1984.

The Society of St. Paul — the Pauline Fathers and Brothers — are a religious congregation involved in the communications media. They operate ST. PAULS/Alba House Publishing, which produces books, e-books, CDs, DVDs and they also run a number of bookstores.

Father Roehrig has held a variety of ministries within the order, including serving as formation director, bookstore director and magazine editor. He served a previous term as Provincial Superior from 1996 to 2004, and currently lives and ministers in Staten Island, N. Y. He is the son of the late William J. and Dorothy Roehrig.

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