DeSales sets up memorial scholarship to honor assistant coach

Assistant coach Ty Scroggins spoke to football players on the sideline at the Paul B. Cox Stadium on the school’s campus during a game in 2019. (Photo Special to The Record)

DeSales High School announced Feb. 12 that it has set up a memorial scholarship in honor of Ty Scroggins, the school’s assistant football coach who died Feb. 10 from COVID-19 complications.

The “DeSales High School Ty Scroggins Memorial Scholarship” will be awarded annually to a student who is a minority and who wishes to attend a Catholic high school, according to a press release from the school.

Scroggins had served at DeSales since 2017.

DeSales’ president Rick Blackwell said Scroggins was a “ leader and role model” for the students.

“The DeSales community joins all of Metro Louisville in mourning the loss of such a great coach and role model for our youth,” said Blackwell. “We are thankful for his dedication to our football program and proud of his work in the community as a longtime educator and founder of the Minority Coaches Association of Kentucky. We hope to honor his legacy for years to come with this scholarship.”

As a student, Scroggins played basketball at Fairdale High School and football at the University of Louisville from 1990 to 1994.

Contributions to the scholarship may be made by visiting

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