One of the things that we can all identify with is the innate desire within us to be shielded and protected or to rest assured that someone is watching over and looking out for us. We need to know that along with our concerted effort in this regard, others are being watchful with us and for us.
Some express this by saying that we all need to know that someone “has our back.” In serene times and in troubling times, be they spiritual or otherwise, we need to know that there is someone there who is going to help us practically, psychologically and emotionally to face and endure the battles that we need to fight in life. There is great comfort and trust in knowing that someone is fulfilling this role to the best of their ability.
This knowledge of their pledge to help us allows us to rest easier and assists us in our efforts not to allow our fears to run wild and unchecked over our lives. Knowing that someone has our back helps us face the future and journey forward confidently into all that life holds for us.
As we consider those who primarily are watching out for us, we can be certain that at the top of this list is our living God. Our God is always on our side and watches out for us in a way that no one else can. God is always there to assist and defend us when facing difficulties.
God’s assistance and protection in this regard are revealed, promised, and offered to us in many ways, and one way is through the saints in heaven. During the month of November, we honor all the saints.
In a particular way, one saint responds to our need for help by having our back. This angel serves to protect and help us in the battle against temptation, wickedness, and evil in life. I am speaking of St. Michael the Archangel.
For centuries, the Church has looked to St. Michael as a saint invoked to assist us in life’s great struggles. When I am afraid, and even sometimes when I am not afraid, I still find myself uttering the prayer that asks for St. Michael’s assistance. This age-old prayer states:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
This is also an appropriate prayer for this time in the liturgical year — a time when our Gospel and other Mass readings take on the tone of turbulence and turmoil as the apocalypse and end time are the focus of the readings of the final Sundays of Ordinary Time and our initial reflection at the beginning of the Advent season.
As the Church calls us these days to reflect on the end times, we can rest assured that God is for us and that St. Michael is and will be there to assist all the just in our struggle to do the right thing and to overcome evil and struggles in our lives.
By God’s grace and providence, we have again entered the greatest fall celebration here in our country — Thanksgiving Day. I love the fall season and Thanksgiving Day. I want to use this opportunity to offer everyone a heartfelt wish for a blessed and peace-filled celebration of Thanksgiving.
May our bounty and abundance inspire and demand us to show generosity to others in need, and may we all pause for a moment to count our many blessings.
May we be aware of all the reasons why we should be grateful to God, who has been generous to us all. God bless you and keep you in these days of Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Archbishop for this article: Comfort My People. I call on All the Saints, Angels, especially, St. Michael the Archangel: O Glorious St. Michael. Protect us !!! Blessings to you too !.