Assumption Graduation Essays 2024

Versatility of the “Assumption Magic”

Erin Hynes

Masked and distanced: that is how the class of 2024 began its Assumption experience. When shadowing in seventh grade, I was welcomed immediately with smiling faces and inviting hugs from old and new friends alike. That environment, that I came to understand later was the “Assumption Magic” people spoke of, was why I chose Assumption. 

Two years later, walking in those same doors on the first day was strikingly different. Yet, that “magic” still shined through our masks and one-way halls. Every morning, classes logged onto online meetings where teachers welcomed each student with a smile, a greeting, and a gentle conversation. Through the squares of a video call, teachers managed to form a connection with students, displaying just how special Assumption’s community is. 

Teachers at Assumption want to see their students succeed in their own way. Whether a student is taking six AP courses or taking one higher-level math course to challenge themselves, teachers treat them with the same level of care. 

Assumption helps mold you into the person you want to be rather than forcing you into a mold of the person Assumption wants you to be. A student who enjoys art but also wishes to be a STEM major in college is given the tools at Assumption to pursue both passions through art courses and science electives. Students who are not sure what their goal is for the future are given tools to help find their passions. I came into Assumption with a dream of becoming a journalist, and the community has provided me with an environment that has prepared me for that future. Classes like digital journalism, AP research, and AP seminar taught me the value of a sentence. Extracurriculars like speech and debate and Y Club helped me find my voice in the community and encouraged me to be a voice for others. Every faculty member and student encouraged me to follow this dream and gave me opportunities to become the strong-willed speaker I am today.

Every student at Assumption is given the flexibility, encouragement, and resources to branch out and try new things. That way, when each student walks out the doors of Tyler Lane for the final time, she can be confident that her future is bright. 

Every student is more than a GPA or a test grade, and the community at Assumption makes that clear each day we walk through those doors. Every “Make it a great day, Rockets” on the morning announcements, every “Good morning” in the halls, every “How are you doing today, Erin?”, and every kind word of encouragement about my work on the journalism staff proved to me that Assumption was more than a school, but an encouraging family that makes saying goodbye hard.  

While Assumption may be a hard goodbye, the lessons I have learned and the family I have found will travel with me far beyond those walls. They will seep into the communities I have yet to join in the coming years, proving to others the importance of the “Assumption magic.”

Assumption, a home that prepares students for the world

Stella Bensenhaver

When I first stepped foot through the doors of 2170 Tyler Lane on August 19, 2020, I had no idea how a building could foster a community so strong and loving that it would be painful to leave just four years later. I had heard from shadow visits and open houses all about the “Assumption magic.” As a jaded middle schooler whose dreams of a normal freshman year were destroyed by a virus, I was hesitant to believe anything. To this day, I am so glad that I was wrong. 

Knowing that my time at Assumption is rapidly fleeting has made me look back on my four years with the utmost joy one can have for her alma mater. Assumption has not only provided a safe environment to develop into the young woman who I am today, but it has also blazed a beaming path for my higher education. As a student with ADHD, I would have never imagined taking an AP math class or writing three different research arguments in the span of one month, but the exceptional support from my teachers and sisters here has allowed me to go from a solid B freshman to a straight-A senior. It doesn’t matter if I am confused about chi squares or need reassurance from a friend about an upcoming psychology test, I know that wherever I need it, help will be there to ensure that I succeed. 

Because of Assumption, I have discovered my passion for academia. Classes like AP research have allowed me to fully envelop myself in topics that I am interested in and care about — completing research on topics in neuroscience. Classes like digital journalism have given me firsthand experience with leadership and working with a team of differing and sometimes opposing opinions. These one-of-a-kind educational experiences have provided the opportunity to explore my interests in depth. 

Learning at Assumption does not just occur between the walls of a classroom. It flourishes in the conversations of our students, the commitment of our teachers and faculty, and our connections to the greater Louisville area through our alumnae and board. My relationships with my teachers have taught me to not be afraid, to not stay silent if I’m struggling. Because of Assumption, I will have the confidence to ask questions of future professors. Whether I’m discussing a fascinating breakthrough relating to the red apes located deep within the jungles of Borneo with Ms. Kirwan, duetting Yacht Rock in the debate van with Dr. Wieland, catching up with Ms. Adkins in the third-floor hall, or dreaming of a better world with Ms. Lincoln, I know that our community surpasses all titles and generations. From the time the first bell rings at 8:15 a.m. until the last one rings out at 3 p.m., I never feel lonely for one minute. 

Although I am about to swap my maroon for purple and move three states away to attend Furman University, I am not scared; I know my home on Tyler Lane has prepared me for this, and I can’t wait to make her proud.

Assumption’s three phrases to live by

Anna Mozzali 

Walking through 2170 Tyler Lane’s doors four years ago, I never would have imagined Assumption immensely transforming me into the young woman I am today. Assumption integrates transformative values into the curriculum, but also into routine rituals as simple as announcements. Every Friday morning the community hears three phrases: “Do your homework, go to church on Sunday, and make it a great day Assumption.” 

“Do Your Homework”

Assumption fosters a growth environment that sets its students up to be lifelong learners. The encouragement, knowledge, and even homework from wonderful teachers allow students to work their way up the academic ladder. In doing so, Assumption prepares students for college applications and sets them up for acceptance from prestigious colleges across the nation. However, academic homework is not the only homework assigned. Assumption encourages students to do “homework” in the community. The past four years, I have immersed myself in numerous clubs and leadership organizations that reflect my personal goals and interests. For example, Assumption gave me the tools to complete a service-leadership project educating the community on and advocating against fast fashion. I am confident that learning inside and outside of the classroom will be prevalent in my future and influence my social and career successes.

“Go to church on Sunday”

Assumption develops its students into strong, faithful women. Students grow their relationship with God through opportunities like retreat, five-minute prayer before lunch, and theology classes. Furthermore, Assumption nurtures students’ faith through servant leadership. Participating in Beta Club and National Honor Society, I have fostered my relationship with God as well as found a passion for helping the underprivileged in the community. Overall, Assumption helps students find God’s grace during hardships. Assumption instills the practice of prayer and gratitude inside and outside of the classroom, which encourages students to live out their futures guided by faith. 

“Make It a Great Day, Assumption”

As women of integrity, students do not just have a great day; they MAKE it a great day. This challenge to myself and my classmates to make it a great day is a valuable lesson in compassion. Days are made great by saying hello to custodial staff members in the hallway, taking a moment of mindfulness for yourself in the morning, writing a classmate a thanksgiving letter, or talking to your favorite teacher about their weekend. Simple acts of compassion at Assumption make every day a great day and form a community like no other.

As I enter the world of adulthood and higher education, Assumption has instilled in me confidence and preparation for the challenges and opportunities that will arise. As a woman of faith, compassion, integrity, and excellence, I will do my homework, go to church on Sunday, and make every day a great day.

The Record
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The Record
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