Immaculata Classical Academy Graduation Essays 2024

Immaculata, only getting better

Graceann Rock

I have been attending Immaculata Classical Academy since 2013 — from second grade to senior year. I graduate this May, on the feast day of our school’s patron, St. Joan of Arc.

This wonderful school has changed drastically since I was seven, but it has changed for the better.

We went from celebrating the holy sacrifice of the Mass in our building’s little cafeteria with a makeshift altar to having a church to borrow for our weekly Masses, confessions and first Friday adoration. 

We would oftentimes just have a rosary due to the lack of a priest, but now we have many generous priests celebrating Mass at Immaculata.

Our Lady’s school had 50 kids when I began here; it now has over 250. (I have the privilege of being in our largest graduating class.) 

Our school activities have increased greatly; we have a March for Life trip, an overnight Lenten high school retreat, a Marian shrine contest and numerous choir concerts.

In the early ages of Immaculata, we had only a few sports — boys and girls high school basketball, girls high school volleyball, golf, and soccer. We then hit a brief period where there were almost no sports, but now we have a sport for every child in the family — track, football, volleyball, golf, basketball, soccer, etc.

We are now blessed to have a monthly Theology of the Body class and a weekly rhetoric class. Both classes have brought the high school students together more than ever. We are unified in classes, friendships and our deep faith. 

The school is only growing and evolving: Only getting better. Only getting closer to God.

Grateful for Immaculata

Anastasia Kenney

As my time at Immaculata comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on what I have learned quite often. Unlike many of my fellow classmates, I have not attended Immaculata since grade school, middle school or even all four years of my high school career. 

I began attending Immaculata my sophomore year, and the past three years I have grown more in my faith and as a person than ever before. 

I can honestly say that before attending Immaculata, I had very few close friends and relationships. My fellow classmates immediately made me feel included, despite their already close-knit group. 

I found friends who not only brought me out of my shell but also led me closer to Christ through our friendships. They changed my idea of what I thought school was and made it not only something I don’t dread but enjoy. They truly push me to be a better version of myself. 

Athletics have always been a large part of my life and something that brings me so much joy. I had the absolute privilege of being captain of the varsity volleyball team and tried my best to be a good example. It was not hard to do through watching my coach lead our team — by having us talk about virtues we could exemplify through the sport, praying before every game and practice, and showing us to always treat all fellow players as a daughter of Christ. 

Along with my friends and teammates, my teachers are a shining example of Christ’s light. Most days my teachers feel more like my friends than teachers, while still maintaining an expected level of respect. 

They show us how to include your faith in everything you do for the glory of God. They lead us in beginning and ending every single class in prayer, and it serves as a great reminder to include Christ in every part of your day. They show how, through loving Christ, we can find joy and be an example to others of what it truly means to be a child of God. 

I am so beyond grateful for the time I’ve spent at Immaculata, the laughs I’ve shared, the lessons I’ve learned and the person it has helped me to become. 

I hope as I move on in life that these examples, lessons and friendships will remain in the forefront of my mind and lead me and aid others to eternal life. 

Immaculata aims to make saints

Natalie Meyer

My first year at Immaculata, I was a timid, pink-faced seven-year-old in pigtails.

I had been homeschooled until that point, and the very new prospect of me interacting

with strangers and making friends terrified me. It was sort of like stepping out into the world for the first time and realizing just how big and scary it was. 

However, as I got to know my classmates and teachers, I slowly began to relax. I got comfortable with the people, the atmosphere; it was great.

Now, as a senior, the prospect of leaving this community I have become so immersed in scares me. The relationships, the smiling faces, the Catholic environment — I would be lying if I said I won’t miss it.

Little did I know, that the minute I stepped over the threshold into my second-grade classroom, I

would be beginning the most informative years of my life. I have not only transformed my

social life but — the obvious better of the two — my spiritual life as well.

When Lent had just begun, we had our annual high school retreat. The topic of the retreat was “How to Grow in Your Relationship with God — On A Personal Level,” and the priest who was leading the retreat did an amazing job delivering it. He said God isn’t just your Creator, not just your Father but your friend. He wants you to talk to him about everything — even the embarrassing stuff. With that, the priest also taught us the meditative and examen prayer. 

Ever since this retreat, I’ve been using these forms of prayer and already feel a stronger connection with God.

The school’s goal — in the words of Mr. Fout, principal — is “to make us saints.” For some, this may seem like a laborious, possibly even implausible task, but if any school would be able to achieve this goal, it would be Immaculata.

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