Ascension applies lessons to horses ahead of the big race

Fourth grader Annmarie Mullin groomed a horse in the stable at the Louisville Equestrian Center April 27. The center invites students to visit horses in the weeks prior to the Kentucky Derby. (Photo Special to The Record)

In honor of the 149th running of the Kentucky Derby set for May 6, Ascension School fourth graders visited horses at the Louisville Equestrian Center.

The April 27 visit was part of their curriculum applying math and science to the world of horses. For example, the students learned that different horses need different types and amounts of food. In math classes, they calculated how much food to provide a particular horse. 

In science, the students are learning about vision, said Donna Jackel, a science teacher at Ascension. They’ve learned about the vision of horses and are comparing it to human vision.

The equestrian center typically allows school visits in the weeks before the Derby, Jackal said.

Ascension School students groomed a horse at the Louisville Equestrian Center April 27. The center invites students to visit horses in the weeks prior to the Kentucky Derby. (Photo Special to The Record)
Ascension School fourth graders greeted a horse at the Louisville Equestrian Center April 27. The students are learning about horses in their science and math classes in honor of the Kentucky Derby. (Photo Special to The Record)
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