Around the Archdiocese

Mercy Academy to host 8th annual
Reunion Weekend at the school

Mercy Academy will host its eighth annual Reunion Weekend at the school, 5801 Fegenbush Lane, from March 16 to 18.
The Mercy Alumnae Board of Directors invites all Mercy alumnae to “come home to Mercy” on March 16 beginning at 5:30 p.m. for a night of food and tours of the new school. On March 18, the Mercy Society (those who graduated 50 or more years ago) will induct the class of 1962 during the Mercy Society Mass and brunch. The Mass, held in Mercy’s auditorium, begins at 9 a.m. The brunch will immediately follow the Mass and will be held in the gymnasium.
Reservations are required in advance for both events. To make reservations, Mercy alumnae should contact the Mercy Development Office at 671-2021.

St. Francis of Assisi School wins
national honor for service program

St. Francis of Assisi School, 1938 Alfresco Place, has received a Catholic Schools for Tomorrow Award. This national award is sponsored by the Today’s Catholic Teacher magazine. St. Francis of Assisi School was one of twelve schools across the nation to be highlighted. The school was recognized in the category “Innovation in promoting Catholic identity” for their Summer Service Program, where students entering the eighth grade participate in service activities during the summer break. The awards announcement noted that “the Summer Service Program is founded upon the experience of community service in the context of Catholic social justice teachings.”
Three teachers from St. Francis of Assisi will attend the awards ceremony in Boston April 18 to accept the award.


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