Twelve Dominican Sisters of Peace who reside at the St. Catharine Motherhouse in St. Catharine, Ky., are celebrating jubilees this year.
The Dominican Sisters of Peace congregation was formed by the merger of seven Dominican communities on Easter Sunday of 2009. The Dominican Sisters of St. Catharine, Ky., were part of the merger.
The congregation which has about 300 members and 600 associate members who serve in 22 states and Nigeria.
The jubilarians are:
75 Years
Sister Monica Myers serves in prayer and presence after years in health and religious education.
70 Years
Sister Alverda Bonifas serves in the ministry of prayer and presence. Previously, she served for 20-plus years as a chaplain for St. Joseph Hospital in Chicago and spent time in food service for the St. Catharine Motherhouse.
Sister Nancy Rioux serves in prayer and presence and previously spent more than 10 years as a parish volunteer at St. John Vianney Church and as an educator in Massachusetts and New York schools.
65 Years
Sister Barbara Sullivan served as the dean of St. Catharine College, as a Legal Aid Society attorney in the Louisville area for 15-plus years and as a mission group coordinator at the St. Catharine Motherhouse. She now serves in serves the ministry of prayer and presence.
Sister Nancy Jane Kuntz serves in prayer and service. She formerly ministered in pastoral care in Kansas and served as a missionary in Nigeria.
Sister Pauline LaMothe offers spiritual direction and previously served in the field of spirituality in Chicago.
Sister Amy McFrederick currently serves as a liturgist and in music ministry. She has served as a spiritual director and administrator in Chicago.
Sister Mary Terence Wasinger serves in prayer and presence. She previously served in nursing and ecological spirituality. She also helped found an indigenous congregation in Nigeria.
60 Years
Sister Jeanne Moore served as an instructor St. Catharine College and ministered at a nursing home. She currently serves in prayer and presence.
Sister Mary Louise Edwards, a native of Louisville, serves in community service. She formerly served as director of mission education for the congregation, as well as a hospital chaplain in Kentucky.
Sister Luisa Derouen served the transgender population in Kentucky and Louisiana for more than 10 years. She currently serves in the ministry of prayer and presence.
Sister Carole Rossi served in education and pastoral ministry in Boston.
The St. Catharine Motherhouse’s mailing address is 2645 Bardstown Road, Springfield Ky., 40069.