About 35 high school students and adult leaders, above, gathered for a group photo at the Flaget Center when they had some downtime during the retreat. (Photo Special to The Record)High school students, above, took part in a group activity during a retreat focused on the topic “Enough: A Story of God’s Grace.” The retreat was hosted by the Archdiocese of Louisville Office of Youth and Young Adults at the Flaget Center Feb. 11 to 13. (Photo Special to The Record)About three dozen junior high school students attended a retreat with the theme “Rooted” at the Flaget Center Feb. 25-27. Retreatants and their team leaders, above, gathered to pray before lunch on Feb. 26. (Record Photo by Alli Nichols)A group of junior high retreatants worked on a poster about the relationships in their lives and how those relationships affect them during a retreat Feb. 26. The retreat was hosted by the Archdiocese Office of Youth and Young Adults. (Record Photo by Alli Nichols)