Youth Events

Youth pilgrimage

The men’s and women’s Benedictine communities of Monastery Immaculate Conception and St. Meinrad Archabbey will co-sponsor the Benedictine Hills Youth Pilgrimage on Oct. 13.

The day’s events will take place at the monastery church at Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Ind., at 1 p.m. EDT. Following a brief prayer for pilgrims, the group will walk the six miles to St. Meinrad Archabbey. There will be a stop at Monte Cassino Shrine for prayer and rest.

The Benedictine Hills pilgrimage is open to parish youth groups, campus ministry groups or Newman Center communities, as well as to individuals who wish to join the walk.

The cost of $7 per pilgrim will be collected upon arrival. Participants are asked to bring comfortable shoes, snacks or bottled water for the walk.

Pilgrims may register at Also participants are asked to check the website in the event of rain.

Merit scholars

Thirty-four students from six high schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville have been named semifinalists in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program. The winners will be announced next spring. The semifinalists are:

  • Bethlehem High School — Jacob Dennerlein and Ezra Surtees.
  • Assumption High School — Kaitlyn Baird, Stephanie Campbell and Mary Fischer.
  • DeSales High School — William Reichert and Gregory Reilly.
  • Sacred Heart Academy — Mason Ramsay and Jacqueline Williams.
  • St. Xavier High School — Geoffrey Bohn, Joseph Dawson, Brian Elliott, Jonathan Fish, Zachary Flynn, Mitchell Forde, Timothy Hagan, Harrison Kirby, Jacob Madalon, Ryan McMillen, John Nolan, Andrew Parola, Cole Pospisil, William Sack, Nicholas Sehlinger, Blaine Skaggs, Nicholas Snider, Collin Stevens, Kerry Su, Tanner Thieneman, Daniel Varghese and Jesse Zickel.
  • Trinity High School — Joseph Senn, Randall Strause and Orion Youngblood.

Honors academy

Melanie Bayens, a senior at Assumption High School, received the Certificate of Recognition from the Commonwealth Honors Academy at a reunion of academy scholars held at Murray State University Sept. 8.

Bayens and 94 other students completed the three-week academy at Murray State from June 9 to 30. During the three weeks, academy scholars took two college level courses; attended multiple lectures, concerts, field trips and forums; and participated in a triweekly personal development seminar.

According to a news release from Assumption, Bayens will receive six hours of university credit, a $2,000 per year Murray State housing scholarship and the option to take six additional hours from Murray State tuition free.

Fall play

St. Xavier High School’s Drama Department will present Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” All performances will be held in the school’s Brown-Forman Cultural Arts Center. Show dates and times are as follows: Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. and Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students, children and senior citizens. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the box office one hour prior to the show.

The Record
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