The Serra Club opens its annual vocation essay and poster contest

The annual Vocation Essay and Poster Contest, sponsored by the Serra Club of Louisville and the Archdiocese of Louisville Vocation Office, is now open. The theme is “Bringing Christ to Others.”

The essay contest is open to all students in seventh and eighth-grades in the Archdiocese of Louisville, including those participating in parish religious education or youth ministry programs.

Participants may choose one of two questions as the essay topic:

  • “How can we hear the whisper of God’s call in our loud, modern, American culture?”
  • “What is the importance of family life in fostering a good religious vocation?”

Students are also “strongly encouraged” to interview a priest or religious brother or sister to help answer the questions.

Essays should be between 200 and 300 words, typed in a standard black typeface and double spaced. Each student may submit one essay.

The theme of the poster contest is “How would God call a young person to consider a religious vocation or the priesthood?”

The contest is open to students in fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grades who attend school in the archdiocese, including those participating in parish religious education or youth ministry programs.

Posters should be submitted on an 8.5- by 11-inch white sheet of paper or card stock. Cutouts or pasted pictures are not allowed.
The contest will end Jan. 10. The winners will be announced in February.

First-place winners will receive $100, second-place winners will receive $75 and the third-place winners will receive $50.
Essays and posters may be mailed to:

Vocation Essay and Poster Contest, Archdiocese of Louisville Vocation Office, 1200 S. Shelby St., Louisville, Ky., 40203 or submitted to

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