Teachers recognized for
milestone years in service

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz spoke with Father Peter Do and representatives of Saint John Paul II Academy. (Record Photo by Gary Hermann)

The Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Catholic Schools honored 200 teachers during the annual teacher appreciation luncheon Nov. 3.

Following a year of virtual or sometimes-canceled events, the annual luncheon was able to resume its in-person gathering at The Olmsted. Educators who have taught for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years in Catholic schools in the archdiocese were recognized.

The milestone celebrants have a combined 3,165 years of teaching experience and serve more than 18,000 students in 48 prekindergarten to 12th-grade Catholic schools across seven counties of the archdiocese.

Opening the event, Dr. Mary Beth Bowling, superintendent of Catholic schools, spoke on the mission of Catholic educators and quoted Sister Patricia M. McCormack: “I am the most effective element of evangelization in my ministry.

I evangelize more effectively by my being than by any task that I perform or programs and materials that I use. What I do speaks more eloquently than anything I say.”

Bowling also spoke about her mentor and first principal, Sister Jean Madeline Peake, an Ursuline Sister of Mount St. Joseph who served as an educator for 48 years.

“She was really Christ to those she served,” Bowling said. “Sister Jean Madeline had a servant’s heart and was a witness to me of the difference Jesus can make in a life.”

She went on to express gratitude to the educators for the difference they make in the lives of their students each day by sharing their gifts, talents and love of Jesus.

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz offered a few words and a blessing to open the luncheon. He extended appreciation to the teachers for the work they’ve done during difficult times recently and the support they give one another.

“What a privilege it is for you to have a vocation as a teacher,” the archbishop said. “You might not say that every morning, but just think about it. Think about what you all have gone through over the last 18 months or so, what we call the ‘unchartered waters’ of COVID-19, of the opportunities that all of us have to continue to shape the lives, the character, the mind, heart and soul of the young people entrusted to your care.”

He also noted the work done by the Catholic Education Foundation to offer financial aid assistance to more than 3,400 students.

“We don’t need to know which student was helped and which was not because each one is precious in God’s eyes, but we do need to know how valuable it is for us to make sure that our Catholic schools are available to everyone,” the archbishop said.

Archbishop Kurtz concluded by thanking attendees and inviting them to think about their own mentors, those individuals who “most influenced you and led you on the path to devote yourself as a good, involved, faith-filled teacher.”

Following are teachers who were honored for 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 years of service.


45 years

Arnold Drury, St. Xavier High School

Diana Meyer, St. Nicholas Academy

Frank Ward, Trinity High School


40 years

Michael Baete, St. Raphael School

Laura Clemons, Sacred Heart Academy

Tony Lococo, Trinity High School

Mary Mason, Trinity High School

Theresa Steinbock, St. Francis of Assisi School


35 years

Denise Bacigalupi, Holy Trinity School

Terry Barney, DeSales High School

Laura Dant, St. Agnes School

Debbie Heaverin, Trinity High School

Julie Maschino, St. Nicholas Academy

Nico Menchu, St. Francis of Assisi

Teresa Roberts, Presentation Academy

Martha Stout, St. Margaret Mary School


30 years

Marilyn Bowman, Mercy Academy

Sarah Brian, Sacred Heart Academy

Cammie Burba, Notre Dame Academy

Ellen Burton, St. Albert the Great School

Julie Domzalski, St. Margaret Mary

Angela Eby, St. Joseph School

Mary Fichter, Sacred Heart Model School

Johna Fortener, Presentation Academy

Jeff Frazier, Sacred Heart Academy

Catherine Giangarra, St. Patrick School

Lisa Lauder, St. Gabriel School

Julie McKean, St. James School, Elizabethtown, Ky.

Patrice Payton, St. Athanasius School

Teri Rosenbaum, St. Albert the Great

Jody Schaefer, Assumption High School

Paula Spugnardi, Assumption High School

Sister Mary Ann Tarquinio, Holy Cross High School

Julia Weaver, St. Gabriel

Fred Whittaker, St. Francis of Assisi

Angela Willett, St. Patrick

Dan Zoeller, Trinity High School


25 years

Janet Adkins, Assumption High School

Sherry Baird, St. Margaret Mary

Greg Cambron, St. Xavier High School

Teri Campisano, Assumption High School

Cristin Clark, Holy Cross High School

Julie Davis, John Paul II Academy

Kim Davis, Sacred Heart Academy

Mike Domzalski, Trinity High School

Phyllis Donlon, Sacred Heart Academy

Donna Gail Edwards, St. Nicholas Academy

Lori Graves, St. Dominic

Debbie McMurray, St. Nicholas Academy

Kelley Powers, Holy Trinity

Mary Ann Steutermann, Assumption High School

David Trueblood, St. Nicholas Academy

Meg Wicke, Assumption High School


20 years

Michael Brockman, St. Xavier High School

Paula Cecil, St. Gregory

Erin Fahringer, St. Bernard

Lindsay Finley, St. Albert the Great

Christopher Gold, St. Xavier High School

Debbie Hall, Presentation Academy

Sonya Hamilton, Pitt Academy

David Ianke, St. Xavier High School

Ben Kresse, St. Xavier High School

Niamh Lutes, St. Gabriel

Amy Malcolm, Sacred Heart Model School

Kay Medley-Cain, St. Xavier High School

Brian Mitchell, St. Xavier High School

Emily Puffer, Sacred Heart Academy

Kelley Schleg, St. Agnes

Amy Sharp, Holy Trinity

Sara Sills, Mercy Academy

Michelle Stull, St. Margaret Mary

James Sutherland, Assumption High School

Mike Szabo, Trinity High School

Paula Watkins, Holy Trinity


15 years

Katrina Ballard, St. Joseph

Sister Amina Bejos, Presentation Academy

Valerie Brooks, St. Joseph

Kristen Burge, St. Patrick

Laura Cardosi, St. Mary Academy

Carol Comstock, Trinity High School

Ben Cottrell, St. Xavier High School

Betsy Darby, Trinity High School

Susanne Firestone, Presentation Academy

Ann Garcia, Holy Spirit

Inez Grider, St. Dominic

Steve Hammer, Trinity High School

Paul Houpt, DeSales High School

Leigh Jackson, Assumption High School

Jimmie Dee Kelley, St. James School, Elizabethtown, Ky.

Alice Kervin, Holy Trinity

Adele Koch, Sacred Heart Model School

Erica Lasley, Assumption High School

Kati Leahy, St. Raphael

Joseph Mathai, Trinity High School

Josh Mullin, St. Xavier High School

Theresa Neichter, St. Xavier High School

Kathleen Nilsen, St. Patrick

Andrea Peavler, Mercy Academy

Carey Storner, Sacred Heart Model School

Khaki Strebel, Holy Spirit

James Streble, St. Paul

Shelley Strong, Sacred Heart Academy

Kathleen Towsley, Sacred Heart Academy

Matt Yarborough, St. Xavier High School


10 years

Frances Ashbrook, Sacred Heart Academy

Suzanne Barnett, St. Martha

Jennifer Barz, Holy Cross High School

Courtney Billig, Holy Trinity

Christina Brittian, St. Joseph

Erin Burke, Sacred Heart Academy

TJ Cataldo, DeSales High School

Margie DeMuth, St. Albert the Great

Christina Elpers, Assumption High School

Judi Erskine, Assumption High School

Jessica Farrell, Holy Spirit

Kathryn Ford, St. Raphael

James Frank, St. Xavier High School

Stephanie Gerstle, Our Lady of Lourdes

Aaron Gottbrath, DeSales High School

Tiffany Hall, Assumption High School

Lynn Hamilton, Bethlehem High School

Jennifer Hawkins, St. Margaret Mary

Elizabeth Heilmann, St. Raphael

Dale Helfrich, Trinity High School

Stephanie Hilgeford, St. Mary Academy

Lenae Lancaster, St. Augustine

Jennifer Lewis, DeSales High School

Chasity Livers, Bethlehem High School

Chad Lyons, St. Xavier High School

Aida Mercado, Sacred Heart Academy

Eleanor Mitchell, Sacred Heart Academy

Kevin Monaghan, Assumption High School

Shelly Pence, Holy Cross High School

Janet Peter, Presentation Academy

Sarah Reinhart, Sacred Heart Academy

Sister Jill Reuber, Sacred Heart Model School

Julie Satterly, Sacred Heart Model School

Jorge Serrano, Trinity High School

Jessica Shain, St. Aloysius

Stephanie Shelton, Assumption High School

Julie Speer, St. Mary Academy

David Stewart, St. Xavier High School

Bethany Trusty, St. Paul

Jill Tucker, St. Xavier High School

Laura Wicke, St. Margaret Mary


5 years

Meredith Ashy, Sacred Heart Academy

Anne Barrientos, Immaculata Classical Academy

David Baughman, Corpus Christi Classical Academy

Jeannie Bell, Bethlehem High School

Michael Braaksma, Mercy Academy

Bridget Britt, St. Stephen Martyr

Elizbeth Buckley, St. Patrick

Lisa Byerly, Sacred Heart Academy

Thomas Carrier, St. Edward

Emily Cartwright, St. Agnes

Eric Caudill, St. Xavier High School

Jason Cooper, Mercy Academy

Kathryn Crow, St. Mary Academy

Aaron Dauenhauer, DeSales High School

Savannah Farley, St. Gabriel

Jordan Fautz, St. Stephen Martyr

Kathy Fehder, Corpus Christi Classical Academy

Derek Ferch, DeSales High School

Katie Givens, Trinity High School

Alexander Glaser, St. Xavier High School

Kris Grimm, Sacred Heart Model School

Kim Habich, Assumption High School

Kendall Hammerstrom, Holy Cross High School

Erin Harmon, St. Edward

Michelle Harrington, Holy Trinity

Brittany Howell, St. Patrick

James Holden, St. Xavier High School

Shelby James, St. Patrick

Haley Jenks, Ascension

Crystal Kannapell, Sacred Heart Model School

Susan Kaufer, Immaculata Classical Academy

Katie Keifer, Bethlehem High School

Wayne Ketterer, St. Andrew Academy

Allie Kunau, St. Margaret Mary

Amanda Lanham, St. Augustine

Emily Lindon, St. Patrick

Lynne Link, Sacred Heart Academy

Kelly Logsdon, St. Xavier High School

Cassie Lowe, St. Margaret Mary

Terry McKiernan, Holy Spirit

Jessica Miller, St. Agnes

Grace Nafziger, Presentation Academy

Stacey O’Bryan, St. Patrick

Sarah Pierce, St. Patrick

Rebecca Rausch, St. Rita

Allison Ray, St. Albert the Great

Ryan Renoud, Mercy Academy

Jessica Robinson, St. Nicholas Academy

Devin Roos, Presentation Academy

Dan Schoenfelder, St. Joseph

Betsy Schuhmann, St. Francis of Assisi

Kary Scinta, St. Edward

Kevin Sedelmeier, DeSales High School

Martha Spurlock, Corpus Christi Classical Academy

Mallory Stephenson, St. Edward

Jill Tabor, St. Raphael

Brett Versen, Sacred Heart Academy

Katie Wallitsch Oehmann, St. Nicholas Academy

Rachael Walters, Sacred Heart Academy

Cassie Wigginton, St. Edward

Arin Zirnheld, St. Albert the Great

Mary Charles Zoppoth, Holy Trinity

Kayla Bennett
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