St. James School receives Purple Star Award

The Fort Knox Color Guard was part of the Veterans Day program at St. James School in Elizabethtown Nov. 11. St. James students recited the Pledge of Allegiance. (Photo Special to The Record)

St. James School in Elizabethtown, Ky. was honored with a Kentucky Purple Star Award during its Veterans Day program at the school Nov. 11.

The award, sponsored by the state of Kentucky, “highlights schools’ commitment and dedication for Kentucky’s military youth and families in their local community,” according to an announcement from the awards program.

St. James, which is located about 20 miles from Fort Knox, was one of 14 schools recognized this fall. They join 12 other Kentucky schools that were recognized in the spring.

To earn the Purple Star Award, a school must designate a trained point of contact, host an annual military recognition event and post resources for military families on the school’s website, according to the program’s website.

The school’s Veterans Day program this year included patriotic musical performances by students and a reception for veterans and their guests.

Prior to Veterans Day, students helped honor the memory of military veterans who have died.

On Nov. 5, fifth graders cleaned the headstones of veterans buried in Hardin Memorial Park Cemetery. 

St. James fifth graders Benji Moore, from left, Zayde Thompson and William Bibin sprayed a liquid cleaner onto a headstone in Hardin Memorial Park Cemetery Nov. 5. (Photo Special to The Record)
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