Seminarian Q & A — Evrard Muhoza

What is the most surprising thing about being a seminarian?

There is nothing that is very surprising because I have a little idea of what a seminary is now. However, I was surprised last year when I came, by the warmth and brotherhood of my brother seminarians and even the staff. Also, I was mostly surprised what the seminary is like. People used to scare me, (saying) that if I go in the seminary, I will be like a prisoner and they went on with other discouraging reasons to convince me to not go.

What do you like most about being a seminarian?

I like most the daily eucharistic experience. I pray every day and attend mass. I receive the Eucharist daily. I have everything in front of me to help me grow closer in my relationship to God.

What would you say to a young man trying to figure out his calling in life?

If someone is trying to figure out his calling in life, and (feels called to) priesthood, I would tell them to give it a try. I also gave it a try. People who say yes and try, will experience grace and blessings everyday in the seminary. Plus, even if someone finds out that it is not his calling, he does not regret saying yes to God at all.

Are there specific life changes that you have had to make to be successful at seminary formation?

Yes. I had to make a lot of changes, and even now I am still making changes. In my evaluation last year, I struggled at the beginning to give up the time I spent on video games. Not only the games, I also struggled to stay focused in Holy Hour. Adoration was one thing that was new to me. I had to work with my formator to set up goals and routines so that I can adjust to it.

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