The Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Multicultural Ministry and its African American Ministries will offer “Introduction to Scripture from an Africentric Perspective,” an in-person formation class, Feb. 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 pm.
Participants will “explore the Black presence in the Bible” through lectures, discussion, video and role-playing, according to a news release from OMM. Familiar biblical passages will be “re-framed with an Africentric lens to ‘break open the word,’ ” the release said.
Father John Judie, retired priest of the archdiocese, will present the workshop, part of OMM’s Daniel Rudd Formation Institute. Rudd, a civil rights leader and prominent journalist in his time, was born into slavery in Bardstown, Ky., in 1854.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, attendance is limited and proper social distancing will be enforced. Participants must wear a face mask.
The cost is $25. The fee includes workshop handouts, a continental breakfast and lunch. The workshop will take place at the Catholic Enrichment Center, 3146 West Broadway. For more information or to register, contact OMM at 471-2146.