Saint Meinrad monks elect new archabbot to lead them

Record Staff Report

SAINT MEINRAD, Ind. — The Benedictine monks of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in Southern Indiana elected a new abbot June 2.

Archabbot Kurt Stasiak is the 10th abbot and seventh archabbot to lead the 162-year-old community, according to a news announcement from Saint Meinrad. He succeeds Archabbot Justin DuVall, who has served as archabbot since Dec. 31, 2004. Archabbot DuVall announced in January that he would resign when a new abbot was elected, according to the announcement.

The abbot of the Benedictine community, which is home to 90 monks, serves as both a temporal and spiritual leader. Archabbot Stasiak took office immediately after the election. A blessing of the new abbot will be held in July.

Prior to his June 2 election, the new archabbot had served as prior — or second in leadership — at Saint Meinrad since 2010.

Archabbot Stasiak is a native of Rüoesheim, Germany, and professed vows as a Benedictine in 1975. He was ordained a priest in 1980. He attended Saint Meinrad College and School of Theology and the Pontifical Anthenaeum of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome.

He served as an associate spiritual director of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology from 1980 to 1983 and taught sacramental theology from 1986 to 1990. During the latter period, he also served as the secretary to the archabbot and as the monastery’s vocation director. He also served as the director of spiritual formation for 10 years.

Archabbot Stasiak also has written several books, including “A Confessor’s Handbook,” “Sacramental Theology: Means of Grace, Ways of Life” and “From Sinners to Saints: A Guide to Understanding the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”

Saint Meinrad Archabbey is one of two archabbeys in the United States. It was established in 1854 by a Swiss monastery.

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