Pan American Health Organization presents award to Water with Blessings

Water with Blessings, a non-profit organization which provides water purification systems to mothers in developing parts of the world, has been awarded the Clarence E. Moore Award for Excellence in Voluntary Organization. This award is given each year by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the PAHO Foundation. PAHO is a regional entity of the World Health Organization.

The award recognizes the “potential of the unique Water With Blessings model for addressing critical public health needs in the Americas,” a news release from the organization said. Water with Blessings has provided water purification systems to families in 21 countries.

Representatives from Water With Blessings traveled to Washington, D.C., to accept the award Sept. 29. The award included a prize of $5,000, which will allow the non-profit to sponsor 80 new mothers in the program, the release said.

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