Oils blessed and consecrated

Priests of the Archdiocese of Louisville extended their hands during the consecration of the chrism at the March 27 Chrism Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of the Assumption. Sacramental oils were blessed and consecrated at the Mass and then were distributed to the archdiocese’s 110 parishes for use in administering sacraments throughout the coming year.
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz poured balsam, a fragrant plant-based resin, into olive oil before consecrating it as the sacred chrism during the annual Chrism Mass on March 27. He also blessed the oil of the sick and oil of the catechumens. (Record Photos by Marnie McAllister)
Priests of the Archdiocese of Louisville extended their hands during the consecration of the chrism at the March 27 Chrism Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of the Assumption. Sacramental oils were blessed and consecrated at the Mass and then were distributed to the archdiocese’s 110 parishes for use in administering sacraments throughout the coming year.
The Record
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