Forty-two first-year students took part in Bridge to BU, a new college readiness program on Bellarmine University’s campus July 5 through Aug. 4.
The program aimed at preparing and supporting students “caught up in pandemic learning loss,” according to a press release from Bellarmine. “We know that the pandemic accelerated and exacerbated learning loss and social and emotional development. Bridge to BU meets students where they are in their academic and personal journeys,” the release said.
The students lived on campus and took classes in English and math as well as an “orientation to college” course. The courses were created specifically for the Bridge to BU program.
Participants were also connected with student-support offices on campus, such as the tutoring center and the writing center. They also had the opportunity to make personal connections through different social activities, said the release.
The students who successfully completed Bridge to BU were admitted to Bellarmine and were eligible to enroll in classes for the fall.
The university will continue to provide support to the students, such as extra meetings with their advisors, according to the release.