National conference on science and faith coming to Bellarmine March 6

“Science and the Catholic faith” is the subject of a national conference — open to high school students and the public alike — coming to Louisville March 6.

Catholic high school students, teachers and parents — and the general public — are invited to attend the St. Albert Initiative at Bellarmine University from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The free program is organized by the Society of Catholic Scientists and the Science and Religion Initiative of the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame.

The opening address will be given in Frazier Hall by Dr. Stephen M. Barr, professor emeritus of theoretical particle physics at the University of Delaware and president of the Society of Catholic Scientists, and Dr. Christopher Baglow, director of the Science & Religion Initiative at the McGrath Institute.

More than a dozen scientists are expected to offer short talks and answer questions one-on-one during the program. Three theologians are also expected to offer their insights. 

Participants will have the opportunity “to meet, eat with, and ask questions of Catholic scientists in many fields and at various stages of their careers,” according to the program’s website, A detailed schedule, including the various tracks available to participants, is included on the website.

Among the offerings is a lightning round of short talks on a variety of subjects, including “Evolution and the Catholic Faith,” “Is the Universe Fine-tuned for Life?” and “The History of Life in Deep Time.”

Time is also set aside for participants to meet the presenters — who specialize in various areas of research — one-on-one and ask them questions.

The initiative is named for St. Albert the Great, a bishop, scientist, philosopher, theologian, teacher and patron saint of natural science and scientists, the website says. It was established in 2021 and has been held around the country.

Registration is free and should be made by Feb. 14 at the McGrath Institute website.

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