Men of Epiphany to host Deacon Lucio Caruso

The Men of Epiphany will host Deacon Lucio Caruso speaking on “Catholic Men: Living our Faith with Family, at Work and in the Larger Community” on May 20 at the Church of the Epiphany, 914 Old Harrods Creek Road. The program will be from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the parish community center.

Deacon Caruso recently spoke at the Catholic Men’s Conference and brings more than 35 years of parish, diocesan and Catholic agency experience to the program. He is currently director of case management and family support services at Catholic Charities. Before that position he directed a year-long initiative to address the needs of working class people affected by the economic down turn.
Light refreshments will be served after the program. For additional information call Mike McLaughlin at 262-6032.

The Record
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