Local student wins
national CCHD art contest

The painting entitled “Light Within Corruption” by Chloe Baker, a freshman at Sacred Heart Academy, won the seventh- through ninth-grade category in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development 2020-2021 “Creating on the Margins” art contest.

Chloe Baker, a freshman at Sacred Heart Academy, won the seventh- to ninth-grade category of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development 2020-2021 Creating on the Margins art contest for her painting entitled “Light Within Corruption.”

The title of this year’s contest was “Rebuilding Together at the Margins” and focused on the “social and economic disparities in our society and how we can rebuild just structures that allow all communities to thrive,” according to a press release from the CCHD.

The CCHD is the United States’ bishops anti-poverty campaign.

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