Listening sessions for inactive Catholics held around archdiocese

Catholic-Connection-image-wBy Jessica Able, Record Staff Writer

Last month the Archdiocese of Louisville held “listening sessions” for individuals interested in returning to the Catholic Church.

The sessions were intended for Catholics who had fallen away from the church for one reason or another, said Sal Della Bella, director of evangelization for the Archdiocese of Louisville.

“It was an opportunity to extend God’s mercy,” Della Bella said of the initiative.

About 35 people attended one of the nine sessions held around the archdiocese. And, another 20 to 25 individuals were assisted by phone.

These sessions were part of an initiative called the Catholic Connection, a ministry launched in December to reach out to inactive Catholics. Parishioners around the archdiocese were invited to submit names of friends and family members who have been away from the church and who might welcome an invitation to return.

The program is one of the ways the local church has responded to Pope Francis’ call for a Year of Mercy, which began Dec. 8.

In January, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz sent a letter to each of the people whose names were submitted to the archdiocese — about 1,100 — and invited them to return to the church.

Pastors or parish representatives, staff of the Metropolitan Tribunal (which handles annulments) and other archdiocesan representatives met with individuals at the listening sessions. Della Bella said the church representatives were there to listen to concerns and answer or clarify any questions.

Most people, Della Bella said, expressed their longing for the Eucharist and said they missed the other sacraments as well.

“The people who came were incredibly positive. There were no signs of anger or frustration,” Della Bella said.

He said those who were divorced and remarried had questions — and in many instances misconceptions — about the annulment process.

“In those issues, we directly connected them with people at the Tribunal who were able to clarify some misinformation,” he said. “We informed them there is no longer a fee involved for annulments; the process has been streamlined; and it’s no longer as complicated as it once was,” he noted.

The Catholic Connection initiative also provided “a more public view of the church’s willingness to listen, to assist and to offer people the opportunity to experience God’s mercy,” he said.

Della Bella said he believes the church should be engaged in initiatives such as the Catholic Connection on an ongoing basis. The fact that dozens more didn’t attend the sessions shouldn’t be discouraging, he said.

“We would have loved to see more people. But, there were no expectations other than to be available to people as needed,” he said.

Della Bella noted there is no “deadline” or “end date” for Catholics who wish to return to the church. Individuals are invited to call the Office of Evangelization at 585-3291 or to contact a parish directly.

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