My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Greetings in the Lord! The annual Peter’s Pence Collection provides essential support for the Holy See’s activities and helps Pope Francis assist the victims of wars, oppression and natural disasters around the world. This collection will be taken up in our parishes on Aug. 20-21.
As an example, the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) share the Gospel with and minister to people in places that the Church designates as mission lands due to their lack of resources and other challenges. When the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world, the Holy Father established an emergency fund at PMS to address the needs of places in Latin America, Africa and Asia where the pandemic posed a grave humanitarian crisis.
With an initial contribution of $750,000 from the Holy Father, the Pontifical Mission Societies provided relief to people in South Africa, Pakistan, Colombia and other countries throughout the Southern Hemisphere.
Your contribution to Peter’s Pence helps fund not only the activities of the Roman Curia that assist the Holy Father in the exercise of his ministry but also solidarity projects that aid those most in need — like the outreach described above.
To learn more about the ways in which Peter’s Pence supports Pope Francis’ ministry of mercy, visit (English) or (español).
Please prayerfully consider supporting this year’s collection as an act of mercy and charity. Join our brothers and sisters in faith from around the globe to help Pope Francis to carry out his ministry to the Universal Church and reach out to the most marginalized in our world. Know that I remain,
Sincerely in the Lord,
Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre
Archbishop of Louisville