Kindergarten Countdown, a series of events for students entering kindergarten, will be hosted at various locations in Louisville this summer.
Children entering kindergarten will receive a free T-shirt, which will serve as a ticket into events for the child and an accompanying adult.
The next events are:
June 25 at 10 a.m. at the Louisville Free Public Library’s main branch, 301 York St. Stage One Storytellers will present stories and host games and activities.
June 25 at 1 p.m. at the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana offices, 2115 Lexington Road where the “Grow a Daisy” workshop will take place. To register for the workshop visit
June 30 at 7:20 p.m. at Central Park in Old Louisville. Kentucky Shakespeare will present a “Bard Buddies” interactive performance.
Stop by any Louisville Free Public Library to register and pick up the T-shirt and a free book.