Franciscan Friars elected new leadership

On May 15, the Conventual Franciscan Friars of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation, based at Mount St. Francis, Ind., elected its new Definitory — those who will serve in province leadership for the next four years.

Conventual Franciscan Father Jim Kent was re-elected as minister provincial, and Conventual Father John Stowe, was elected vicar provincial. Conventual Franciscan Brother Nicholas Wolfla was elected the province secretary.

The other Definitors elected, all Conventual Franciscans, were Brother Randy Kin, Father Mark Weaver, Father Ed Goldbach and Father Miguel Briseño.

The Conventual Franciscans serve at St. Paul and Incarnation parishes in Louisville. The Franciscan Kitchen (formerly Franciscan Shelter House) on Preston Street was founded in 1980 by the late Conventual Franciscan Brother Jim Fields.

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