Epiphany Church, 914 Old Harrods Creek Road, is collecting new and gently used winter coats now through Nov. 23 for the 12th annual Free Coat Exchange.
Free Coat Exchange is a local nonprofit whose mission is to encourage “exchange amongst community. … Those who can, donate a coat; those who need, take a coat,” according to the group’s website.
From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Black Friday, Nov. 25 this year, the community is invited to pick up winter coats from locations around the city. For a full list of collection and pick-up sites, visit www.freecoatexchange.org.
Coats donated at Epiphany will be distributed to La Casita Center, which serves Latino families.
Donations should be left on the back porch of Epiphany House on the parish’s campus and bags should be marked “coat exchange.”