Record Staff Report
Nine Dominican Sisters of Peace with ties to the Archdiocese of Louisville are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year, including Sister Vincent de Paul Hutton, who is marking 85 years of religious life.
At 107 years old, Sister Hutton has retired to the Sansbury Care Center at the Dominican Motherhouse in St. Catharine, Ky. She continues to carry out a ministry of prayer and presence.
Before retirement Sister Hutton served as a teacher and school administrator in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, West Virginia and Puerto Rico for 50 years. Following her service as an educator, Sister Hutton served as an assistant in the finance department for the St. Catharine congregational offices for 14 years.
At 107, Sister Hutton is still able to fully genuflect at Mass.
The other jubilarians are:
75 years
Sister Patricius Henderson resides at the Sansbury Care Center and carries out the ministry of prayer and service.
Sister Adrian Marie Hofstetter resides at the Sansbury Care Center and carries out the ministry of prayer and service.
70 years
Sister Josepha Buckley serves in a ministry of community service and prayer at the St. Catharine Motherhouse.
Sister Joan Miriam Glaser serves in a ministry of prayer, study and service at the St. Catharine Motherhouse.
Sister Rosemary Kirsten serves in a ministry of prayer and service at the Sansbury Care Center, where she resides.
60 years
Sister Mary Ann Budka serves as the bursar of the Dominican community in St. Catharine.
Sister Marilyn Pierson is a community volunteer.
50 years
Sister Barbara Rapp made her first profession of vows in 1968. She served as a teacher and administrator in Tennessee and Illinois. Sister Rapp also served in advancement at the Aquinas Institute and as director of continuing and community education at the now-closed St. Catharine College in St. Catharine, Ky. She currently serves as donor relations coordinator at the congregation’s office in Columbus, Ohio.