Collection to benefit Catholic Charities

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

  Matthew 2:10-ll

May God bless you during this holy Advent season! In this familiar part of the Christmas story, which we hear on the Feast of Epiphany, the Magi, who represent all the nations of the world, come to adore the greatest gift God could give the world, God’s own Son, Christ the Lord. They, in turn, offer their greatest treasure and gifts to Him. A lesson we take from this is to ponder what gift might we give to the Christ child. What could we possibly offer for the gift of God’s incredible love in becoming one of us in Jesus Christ our Savior?

Might I suggest gold? I do not mean gold in the sense of a precious metal or money, for the gift of Christ is priceless. Instead, I recommend golden actions, which are manifestations of how we live out the Golden Rule, given to us by Jesus. In fact, this past year we have reflected on this as an Archdiocese and wider community through our Be Golden campaign. Every day is an opportunity for golden actions of charity, outreach and service to others, especially those most in need of our care. And every time these actions occur, we, like the Magi, are offering a gift of gold to Christ Himself.

And while we perform many individual golden actions, we also do so as a wider Church, especially in our support of the great work of our archdiocesan Catholic Charities. Through its many programs, golden actions of service and care are given to the material poor, the forgotten elderly, refugees and immigrants fleeing violence and persecution, survivors of human trafficking, the homeless and so many other vulnerable children of God needing security, food, shelter and other basic human needs.

So once again we will have our annual Catholic Charities collection, which parishes will take up on the weekend of December 21-22. Funds go to support the works and programs that help meet the many needs of individuals and families in the 24 counties of our Archdiocese. I encourage your generous and golden response to this year’s Christmas collection.

Please know that you and your families are in my prayers, as I ask God’s blessing on each of you during this holy time of year. Thank you so much for your prayers for my recovery and health.

Sincerely yours in Our Lord,

Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville

The Record
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