Dear Sisters
and Brothers in Christ:
May God bless you during this holy Lenten season!
This weekend our Archdiocese will hold the collection for the Black and Indian Missions. For 131 years, this collection has funded evangelization and educational efforts for Native Americans, Alaskan Americans and African Americans throughout the United States.
Historically, evangelization efforts by churches and schools among African Americans, Native Americans, Eskimo and Aleut communities, are funded by the collection’s grant awards, which assist them in building community and sharing the joy of Christ.
Your support has helped educate African American and Native American seminarians for priestly service to our Catholic communities and establish a new religious community for service to Native Americans in Arizona.
Just as the Jubilee Year of Mercy has opened the door to the faithful to experience God’s unfathomable mercy, your financial commitment opens the door of faith to these Americans.
Education is fundamental in changing the mores and morals of a society. Concrete benefits of your support also include funding for a solid Catholic education in our Indian and Black Catholic mission schools, the purchase of catechetical materials and Bibles, and the formation of lay leadership.
For more information about this collection, please visit Thank you for your generosity.
Sincerely yours in our Lord,
Most Reverend
Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D.
Archbishop of Louisville