Agencies partner with Give A Day

CatholicCharities-sBy Jessica Able, Record Staff Writer
In observance of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Catholic Charities of Louisville will partner with Mayor Greg Fischer’s Give A Day week of service program, scheduled for April 14 to 24.

Deacon Lucio Caruso, director of mission advancement for Catholic Charities, said the organization plans to be “more intentionally involved” with the annual week of service, which is in its fifth year.

And Deacon Caruso called on the “Catholic network of 110 parishes” in the Archdiocese of Louisville to take part in the Give A Day week of service.

The Give A Day program, Deacon Caruso said, is a perfect way for Catholics to take park in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. He and other archdiocesan leaders are seeking ways Catholics can “concretely practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.”

“The mayor’s Give A Day program is a natural tie-in,” he said. “Those works of mercy bring about compassion in very concrete ways, whether you are feeding the hungry or building a Habitat (for Humanity) home.”

Mayor Fischer said in a statement that the growth of the Give A Day program would not be possible without community partners such as Catholic Charities and the Archdiocese of Louisville.

“We pride ourselves on being an international Model City of Compassion, and our Give A Day week of service is a wonderful opportunity to put a spotlight on the many acts of service that actually go on every day in Louisville,” the statement said.

Deacon Caruso noted that some parishes already serve with Catholic Charities, but others may not know what opportunities there are.

Opportunities to volunteer at Catholic Charities during the Give a Day week include sorting items in the refugee donation area and at the Sister Visitor Center.

Deacon Caruso has asked those who are already engaged in acts of service to report their service on the Give A Day website — my

The site offers dozens of volunteer opportunities around the Louisville area. Other Catholic-affiliated organizations offering Give a Day opportunities include the St. Bernadette Diaper Bank, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Joseph’s Children’s Home, Water With Blessings and the Family Community Clinic.

To learn more about the Give A Day program and the participating organizations, visit

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