African American youth take part in Kujenga process

Alexandria Churchill gestured during a leadership activity which was part of Kujenga Viongozi II African American Catholic Leadership Process which took place at the Flaget Center on Lewiston Drive Aug. 3-6. Nais Brown looked on. (Photo Special to The Record by Clinton Bennett)

The Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Multicultural Ministry (OMM) held its Kujenga Viongozi II Youth Leadership Process Aug. 3-6 at the Flaget Center, 1935 Lewiston Drive.

The four-day event is aimed at developing leadership skills among African American young people.

Participants in Kujenga Viongozi II African American Catholic Leadership Process danced during a cotillion. The conference was held Aug. 3-6 at the Flaget Center on Lewiston Drive. (Photo Special to The Record by Clinton Bennett)
Royal Smith, left, and Carmen Montgomery wrote in their notebooks for a leadership activity during Kujenga Viongozi II African American Catholic Leadership Process which took place at the Flaget Center on Lewiston Drive Aug. 3-6. (Photo Special to The Record by Clinton Bennett)
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