The 32nd annual African American Catholic Day of Reflection will take place Sept. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Catholic Enrichment Center, 3146 W. Broadway.
The theme of the event, hosted by the Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Multicultural Ministry (OMM), is “Here I Am, Send Me.”
Speakers for the day include Dr. James Mandley, Father John Judie and Christine Weathers, a representative of the National African American Catholic Youth Ministry Network (NAACYMN).
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz will celebrate the opening Mass.
The cost is $30 for adults and $15 for youth ages seven to 18 who register by Sept. 4. The cost after Sept. 4 will be $40 for adults and $20 for youth. The cost includes lunch. For more information or to register, call the OMM at 636-0296, ext. 1245.