By Deacon James R. Turner
A collective effort of West Louisville, including social activist groups, ministers and citizens alike, are protesting the proposed installation of a methane plant in West Louisville. The proposed location is the vacant lot at 16th and Maple streets next to the Heaven Hill Distillery site.
The citizens of West Louisville and others that live in our great city are adamant about not having this methane plant erected in West Louisville, but in spite of their opposition, city officials continue to oppress the citizens of West Louisville by insisting that this plant be built.
I believe our local officials and perhaps our state officials are so focused on an economic benefit that they have lost sight that good business requires the support of the citizens in the community. Neighborhoods and businesses require and need a level of respect to function and live together as good stewards in a community.
It appears from the outside looking in that the economic gains and tax breaks for this methane plant neglect to consider the negative impact it will have on the overall health and safety of our citizens who reside in close proximity to the proposed construction site.
Though some officials may feel this would be a great business addition and economic contribution to the city, with an effort to restore and rebuild West Louisville, they have chosen to ignore the voices of the masses and are more focused on economic gain.
What we are witnessing is typical of what occurs when there is environmental racism and environmental injustice. Those who are in position of authority and power believe they can force upon others their actions, particularly upon those who are the most vulnerable.
I do not believe the citizens of West Louisville are asking too much of our city and state government officials when they ask to have a voice in making decisions that impact the lives of those living in their community.
Currently, there exists in this area of the city contaminated housing infested with mold as a result of polluted air — homes that residents will never be able to sell. These residents are justified in being upset, upset enough to prevent further contamination and pollutants in their community.
Many citizens of West Louisville feel threatened by the potential health and safety hazards that this methane plant will present to the community. It is their duty, as our officials, to listen to the citizens and do everything in their power to prevent this plant from being built. We must assure them that at the end of the day our voices will be heard, but we cannot wait.
We must inform Mayor Fisher and all our city and state representatives that we will not accept the decision to construct a methane plant in our neighborhood that has the potential to harm or take the lives of our citizens.
We have a moral responsibility to protect our environment and our sisters and brothers. Let us not make excuses for failing to respond to this injustice that is being forced upon us.
I encourage you to use your pen to write to the Metro Council, use your voice at any meetings related to opposition, use your social media platforms to engage the community at large and use your energy to fight this injustice. Do something.
Deacon James R. Turner is the pastoral administrator of St. Martin dePorres and St. Augustine churches.