Wow! Where can I even start? In life, you will have your fair share of difficult moments. Everyone will. I learned this firsthand at Trinity High School. Of course, there are people who shy away from these instances. There are also people who attack them straight on.
During these past four years at Trinity, I am proud to say that I have attacked each and every day with a positive mindset. This would not have been possible without the help of Trinity and the love that faculty members, students, and community members have for each other.
Henry Ford said, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
With the help of the Trinity faculty, I have developed a different perception of “obstacles.” Before Trinity, I dreaded them. Today, I welcome them. The positive and uplifting environment at Trinity works miracles. You will learn that certain hardships are good and needed for you to be successful. So, the first thing Trinity taught me was to challenge myself.
From the first day of freshman year, Trinity tested me. It may sound silly, but it was as simple as staying up “late” to do homework. In grade school, I was never challenged like I was on the first day at Trinity. For the first month, this aggravated me a little bit. I began to ask, “Why is this happening to me?”
Well, over the years, Trinity has more than answered why.
The more I did schoolwork, the more I began to take pride in what I was doing, where I was, and how I was doing it. As I began to enjoy the little things instead of burdening the big things, time began to fly by.
One thing that Trinity encourages is involvement. At Trinity, there are many clubs and activities that one can join. During my time at Trinity,
I have been involved in a lot. This has increased with every year, as there is so much fun to be had when you are a part of groups and activities. If I did not listen to Trinity and try new things, I would not be writing this essay to you. With this, Trinity had taught me that it is healthy to try new things, make new friends, and gather new memories.
Trinity is a “college-preparatory high school, forming men of faith, and men of character.” It lays the foundations needed to be successful in life. I believe that the most valuable foundation that Trinity provides is relationships with students, teachers, and the Trinity community. At Trinity, everyone cares for one another and wants one another to be successful. Everywhere you go at Trinity, someone is there to help you.
This not only allows you to have friends for life, but it also creates a warm and welcoming environment.
These past four years at Trinity have been really special to me. I have made friends for life and learned how to be successful in the future.
This includes approaching each day with a positive mindset, trying new things, and getting out of my comfort zone.
I will continue to strive each and every day to be the person that Trinity has made me. “Be GreaT at it, For Yourself, For Family, For Our World.”