Trinity High School’s Tony Lococo, a teacher who has served for more than 30 years as adviser to the school’s student newspaper, will be inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. He will be honored at a luncheon on April 19 in Lexington, Ky.
As Trinity’s journalism moderator, Lococo has advised both the ECHO newspaper and the school’s yearbook, the Shamrock. He has also coached the school’s speech team, served as chair of the English department and helped lead the literary magazine and the communication and performing arts department at the school.
An announcement from the school said Lococo “has mentored countless students who have subsequently gone on to journalistic careers.”
Lococo was awarded the Enoch Grehan journalism prize from the University of Kentucky in 2015 and he received Western Kentucky University’s James L. Highland Media Adviser of the Year Award in 2013.