Archdiocesan NewsFebruary 16, 2023<February 23, 2023 Religious sisters celebrate jubilees by Kayla Bennett COX’S CREEK, Ky. — Forty-two women religious were honored during a Mass celebrating World Day of Consecrated Life Feb. 12 at St. Gregory Church…
Archdiocesan NewsFebruary 7, 2017<February 7, 2017 Women, men religious honored for service by The Record By Jessica Able, Record Staff Writer While many people in the Archdiocese of Louisville were preparing for Super Bowl Sunday festivities, more than 60 women…
EditorialsFebruary 4, 2015<February 4, 2015 Editorial — The light of consecrated life by Marnie McAllister The World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in parishes around the globe on Sunday, Feb. 8. It’s an opportunity for the faithful…