Students win top yearbook and journalism awards from WKU

Three Catholic High Schools won awards in Western Kentucky University’s Mark of Excellence Awards competition.

Sacred Heart Academy — “The Angeline,” was named the best yearbook. Senior Carson Warren won first place for feature photo.

“The Angeline” also won first place for layout and design and theme development. It won second place for its organizations spread and division page spread. It placed third in cover design.

Trinity High School — The ECHO won second place for best high school news website. In the newspaper, magazine and online category, Cole Crush won second place for best feature story and third place for best sports story.

Grant Brunstetter won third place for best review or column, Andrew Cawood won third place for best sport photography and Cole Crush and Matt Gadd won second place for best multimedia production. Trinity also won third place for best feature story in the yearbook category.

Mercy Academy — Jalyn Shorter won third place for best sports story in the broadcast category.

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