Five of the archdiocese’s seminarians have been installed as acolytes since November 2021.
- Van Tran received the ministry of acolyte on Nov. 10, 2021, at Mount St. Mary’s of the West Seminary in Cincinnati.
- Kenny Nauert was installed as an acolyte on Jan. 31 at Theological College in Washington, D.C.
- Matthew Millay was installed as an acolyte on Feb. 17 at St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.
- Michael Schultz and Yen Tran received the ministry of acolyte on March 19 at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore.
According to a news release from St. Meinrad, “An acolyte assists a deacon or priest, primarily in the celebration of Mass. He attends to the needs of the altar and may distribute Communion as an auxiliary minister. He also may be entrusted with the public veneration of the Blessed Sacrament, but does not give the Benediction, which is reserved for a priest or deacon.”