Sacred Heart to present alumnae awards

Sacred Heart Academy will honor Ursuline Sister Rita Joseph Jarrell, a 1962 graduate, as the 2016 Alumna of the Year at the school’s 26th annual Alumnae Awards Celebration on Feb. 4. The dinner and awards ceremony will be held at the Mellwood Arts Center at 6 p.m.

The school’s Alumnae Association will also honor Theresa Butler, a 1957 alumnae, Dianne Chandler, a 1977 alumnae, and Lisa Steiner as this year’s Heart Award recipients. Steiner serves on the Sacred Heart Academy’s board of trustees and diversity council.

Sarah Menefee Newell, a 2004 alumnae, Carly Ormerod Bell and Megan Argabright Soverns, both 2005 graduates, and Carrie Wentzel, who graduated in 1997, will be inducted into the Valkyrie Athletic Hall of Fame.

An honorary diploma will be awarded to John Buckman, who taught at SHA from 1988 to 2007.

Sara Bateman Koehler, a 1966 graduate, will receive the Ursuline Teaching Legacy Award.

The awards celebration is open to the public, and reservations may be made online at Dinner tickets are $45 per person. The cost for children age five to 12 is $15; younger children may attend for free. The evening will include dinner, a cash bar and awards ceremony.

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