Sacred Heart Academy will hold alumnae awards Feb. 6

Sacred Heart Academy will honor Laura Melillo Barnum, a 1983 graduate, as the 2014 Alumna of the Year at the school’s 24th annual Alumnae Awards Celebration on Feb. 6. The dinner and awards ceremony will be held at The Olmsted at 6 p.m.

In addition, the Alumnae Association will announce that Ursuline Sister Jean Anne Zappa, Beth Carney Klem, a 1985 alumnae, and Kristin Stuedle, a 1987 graduate, are this year’s Heart Award recipients.

Also Clara Bollinger Green, a 1982 alumnae, Shelly Veeneman, who graduate in 1993, and Caroline Burckle, a 2004 graduate, will be inducted into the Valkyrie Athletic Hall of Fame.

An SHA Honorary Diplomas will be awarded to Ruthmary Feldkamp Gaunt  and Jennifer Washle.

Phyllis Elbert Dries, a 1963 graduate, will receive the Ursuline Teaching Legacy Award.

The awards celebration is open to the public, and reservations may be made online at Dinner tickets are $35 per person. The ticket cost for children age four to 12 is $12.50. Tickets for children three and younger are free. The evening will include dinner, a cash bar and awards ceremony. For more information, call 896-8681.

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