Principal’s perspective — May we begin with an overflowing cup

Dr. Michael Bratcher

If only we had known on Friday, March 13, 2020, what we know now.

The day went by so fast, in fact in the blink of an eye. I was working carpool in our elementary school building when our students were leaving with computers and everything from their lockers.

Our librarian reached over to me and said, “Do you really think we will be back in a couple of weeks?” 

I looked at her and said, “What do you mean? Of course. We are going to be gone for a couple of weeks and then spring break and we will be back in April.”

If only we had known on Friday, March 13, what we know now.

What am I looking forward to?

Being with our students, seeing our students, being present with my colleagues, being back into a routine and, believe it or not, even having the alarm go off at 5 a.m. I cannot wait to work with our teachers.

What gives me hope as the school year gets underway?

That on a school level and on a district level we have worked hard to put solid plans in place to do our very best. We have reflected on our past but prepared for a very hopeful future.

What lessons are we carrying forward from remote learning from the spring?

That our students and our teachers can do anything we ask of them. Whether we are in person or digital this year, we will make the best of it and our students will be just fine.

If only we had known on Friday, March 13, what we know now.

I can tell you I have reflected a lot on Psalm 23.

The Lord is our shepherd, 
   we shall not want

He makes us lie down
   in green pastures

He leads us beside
   still waters

He restores our soul

He leads us on the path
   of righteousness for
   his namesake

Even though we walk in
   the valley of death, we
   will fear no evil for he
   is with us

His rod and staff they
   comfort us

He prepares a table
   before us in the presence
   of our enemies

He anoints our head
   with oil

Our cup overflows

May we approach this school year with a cup that is overflowing.

If only we had known on Friday, March 13th what we know now.

Dr. Michael Bratcher is principal of Sacred Heart Model School.

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